Tales of a Konkodi

The streets are empty and no matatu is in sight. "Fuck! That nigga has finessed me!", Irie laments. He doesn't even have any money on him to buy his daily stash of weed which puts him to sleep. He looks at his packet of muguka and sighs. The green leaves he's been chewing since afternoon are almost finished, could last him only about half an hour tops.

"This wasn't meant to happen, this couldn't happen, this is happening."

He wakes up from the spot he's been sitting strategically waiting for Salim and picks his water bottle not knowing where exactly he's going to. It's about 1 am and he now faces the gruesome reality of sleeping in the streets. His single mabati room was locked earlier in the day for being one month late in paying rent.

"Landlord leo umenifika kwenye koo."

Raising Kshs 2000 is no mean feat for a conductor but Mungu ni nani, he had the money one hour ago. "Fanya aje nijenge hio 2k cash Uko nayo nikajaze irori nikipeleka gari parking nakam nikutolee hio doo alafu nikutoe lock kabla twende mtaa" he remembers Salim telling him. Having known Salim for close to two years now, Irie obliged without asking questions after all it was him who got the students to hire their matatu so that they could be ferried back to school. This is usually a jackpot considering Irie takes home Ksh 800 on a good day.

"Mjini shule"

Salim's phone is off and it is at this moment that he spits the muguka and rinses his mouth. Unaware of an approaching police landrover, he goes on about spitting until it parks right in front of him. Two policemen jump out from the back and before he tries to run, they nab him and throw him to the back.

"Handas arrest"

A familiar voice at the back calls him and says," Irie ata wewe umeshikwa" Fuck! It's Salim. "Wee Kino, umenitenda", Irie shouts back at him. "Relax Buda, nko na Doo yako kwa M-chwa, at least umepata baze ya kudoz leo. Tutaamka kesho watupeleke kortiko tufagie alafu watuachilie. Siezi patia hawa manjege doo", Salim says. Irie bursts into a laughter and responds," Wallahi tena, najua Uko ndani ata tutapata kishash"

"Rong Rende"


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