No Cap!

Add caption "If only I hadn't made the dumb decision to wash clothes at 11pm I wouldn't be in this mess." Kinyua regrets. Decisions have consequences and lately he's been making bad ones or has he? Earlier during the day Kinyua was idling at his chill spot AKA base pondering where his next meal was going to come from. A sly-looking guy came to the base, bought his Ketepa and started chewing the precious 'delicacy'. After a few pleasantries here and there, the guy offers to buy Kinyua's cap at a meagre KSHs 150. At first Kinyua is disinterested but knowing very well how his favorite cap is just but a luxurious item with sentimental value he agrees to the deal. Fast forward curfew time approaches. Kinyua goes home and cooks every Kenyan bachelor's daily meal: Sukuma wiki, Eggs and Ugali. Satisfied he partakes in the activity he's been waiting for since the mystery man bought his cap. Chewing Khat! The high hits and he starts doing house chores. A...