XivTroy Tweets.

I find it unnerving when society confounds intelligence with career. The idea that doctors are smarter than teachers. Or Lawyers more intelligent than bus conductors. I know this is what 8-4-4 teaches, but it is faulty. Who you become is shaped by opportunity & preparedness. A bus conductor with the lawyer's experiences WOULD make a lawyer. A man with the bus conductor's experiences and limitations WOULD make a bus conductor. This implies that the potential is not immutable. And that there has to be a positive foundation for impact to be realized. Take me for example, I love and enjoy reading. But when you trace my background, I had the opportunity & preparedness for it. I had a mother who was about to complete her diploma at Mombasa Polytechnic, & she would take me to their library thus I had easy access to the library. So when my introversion needed an escape, it was readily available to me in the form of library. Now, a child with my character in Kathonzweni migh...