How to deal with Depression during a Pandemic

Knowing how to live with depression is important for many of us — with more than 300 million people across the globe living with chronic depression, it’s the leading cause of disability worldwide. It’s time to go beyond getting a diagnosis, into giving people actual coping mechanisms. Without coping mechanisms, we’re trapped in a downward spiral. Being depressed leads to falling behind; falling behind leads to more depression. 1. Be proactive. It’s a cliche because it’s true — the best defense is a vigorous offense. Do you know what you’ll do the next time you’re depressed? In order to make a plan, you need to know two things: your symptoms of depression and the strategies that work for you, 2. Zoom in on what’s most important for you to accomplish. Urgency isn’t only about getting things done, It’s “also about being able to say no to non-essential tasks. Meeting your work deadline is essential; the church bake sale is non-essential. Don't say yes to everything. 3. Figure out the...